Although Apex Legends does not function flawlessly on Steam Deck, it does outperform the PlayStation 4 version in several situations, as seen by a recent comparative video.
ElAnalistaDeBits has created a new comparison video that shows how the game can run even better on the Valve platform than on the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch while using dynamic resolution and largely high settings. The game runs at 680p with these settings, as opposed to 640p in docked mode and 512p in portable mode on the Nintendo Switch.
The new Apex Legends comparison video also compares the main game to the recently launched Apex Legends Mobile, demonstrating how the game looks fantastic for a mobile title despite lighting and post-processing effects cuts.
Apex Legends Mobile is a stand-alone application. It is not compatible with the rest of the platforms
– Except for shadow quality, Steam Deck runs with all settings on high (Medium). By 45 percent, the dynamic resolution has been turned on.
– For a more reliable experience with the default settings on Steam Deck, I recommend changing the refresh rate to 50hz.
– Lighting, assets, textures, and post-processing effects have all been reduced in Apex Legends Mobile (which explains its small size). In any event, it is a suitable Smartphone version.
– Since the recent update, the dynamic resolution on the PS4 and Switch has changed. On both systems, the average resolution is now lower. – While Steam Deck beats PS4 in some situations, its performance may be improved if the game is validated on Steam.
– Gamepads are not yet supported in Apex Legends Mobile. It will come with a fix in the future.
– Apex Legends Mobile is another illustration of how quickly Smartphone technology advances. We’ll watch how its optimization improves in the next months.
Apex Legends is now available worldwide on PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox One S, and Nintendo Switch.
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