Cheeni 2 is an upcoming Indian-Bengali flick directed by Mainak Bhaumik. The film stars Madhumita Sarcar and then Aparajita Adhya in lead roles. Shrikant Mohta and Mahendra Soni bend the movie under the production firm SVF Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. In this article, we will talk about Cheeni 2 Release Date and more!
Cheeni 2 Cast
Complete list of the actors besides actresses who will be seen in the Bengali flicks Cheeni 2, Madhumita Sarcar as Cheeni, Aparajita Adhya through Mishti, Anirban Chakrabarti as Subho, Soumya Mukherjee as Syami.
Cheeni 2 Release Date
Cheeni 2 Release Date is updated soon; sangeet bangla just announced it through the Instagram reel!
Series Name | Cheeni 2 |
OTT Cheeni 2 Release | Hoichoi |
Main Cast | Madhumita Sarcar Aparajita Adhya |
Release Date | TBA |
Running Time | TBA |
Production | SVF |
Release Year | 2023 |
Cheeni | 6.4/10 |
Story of Cheeni
Just like many extra typical Bengali homes, the mothers and the daughters vary in terms of perspective, and thoughts, besides culture. As a result of these alterations, Mishti has developed a new sense of being besides independence after spending so countless years alone afterward the death of her husband.
The 50-year-old lady jumps to act childlike while Cheeni is forced to play the character of a cranky mother. The reversal in role becomes too great for Cheeni since she never adored being at home in the first place. Her father was abusive, and both Mishti and Cheeni were a victim of him. Nevertheless, instead of opposing him, the two women shed their glooms on each other, hence, the aloofness between them.
Throughout the movie, we get to see Cheeni discover the tasks of her mother, while Mishti understands the moods of her daughter when they realize that the story of their subsists was not one about a mother as opposed to her daughter but instead a level about an abusive husband/father versus the mommy and the daughter together.
Overall, the flick showcases the pure bond between a mother beside her daughter, and no matter what, a daughter’s honey for her mother and a mother’s care for her daughter can never fade away. Besides, we learn a lot through their different feelings portrayed throughout the movie. A simple picture with a feel-good ending like ‘Cheeni’ is worth viewing occasionally. The names Cheeni and Mishti for the two vital characters were well-justified given the sweet finale of the story.
Story of Cheeni 2
Cheeni 2 story resolves to follow its prequel movie Cheeni’s ending storyline.
Cheeni 2 Trailer releases today i.e. 12th July 2023. Cheeni 2 trailer shows us that the story is totally different from the first sequel. It tells us a story of two imperfect women and also showcases a true friendship bond between two generations. The movie is again going to steal everyone’s heart. Everyone is eagerly waiting for the movie to release.
The Expected Movie Release Date will be Updated soon!
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