As a festive offering on Dusshera, Gadar 2 director Anil Sharma came out with his film Vanvaas. The film’s Son, Utkarsh Sharma, is playing a lead role alongside Nana Patekar in the movie and fans are already excited about this “emotional rollercoaster”. Following the announcement, it has been revealed by filmmakers that Vanvaas will arrive in cinemas on December 20th, 2024.
The Upcoming ‘Vanvaas’ from Anil Sharma
A joint Instagram post today showcased Anil Sharma, Utkarsh Sharma, Nana Patekar, Rajpal Yadav, Simratt Kaur Randhawa, and Zee Studios, with the caption, “This Christmas, recognize your loved ones. Anil Sharma presents his next emotional journey! #Vanvaas releasing December 20, in cinemas near you.”
The film’s poster features Nana Patekar and Utkarsh Sharma standing on a street, with their arms around each other, conveying a sense of friendship. Nana wearing a casual blazer and pants with a hat, and loose tie holding a bag while Utkarsh is seen in an unbuttoned shirt baring his chest under the vest he wore as he held onto the bottle. Both actors wear broad smiles, suggesting a warm relationship between their characters. The tagline reads, “Only our own give Vanvaas to their own.”
In a previous interview with Pinkvilla, Anil Sharma described the film as an “emotional Gadar” for contemporary audiences. He explained, “Set against the backdrop of Banaras, featuring Kumbh, it explores emotional trauma and the journey of life that everyone can relate to.” Vanvaas is written, produced, and directed by Anil Sharma, known for his contributions to the Gadar franchise and Apne, and is being developed under Anil Sharma Productions.
Anil Sharma is a popular Bollywood filmmaker in India who works as a director and producer. The film Gadar: Ek Prem Katha (2001) which became a landmark in Indian cinema for its patriotic themes and emotional depth marked a turning point for Anil Sharma. It further increased his star power later with Apne (2007), a film based on family and boxing, and also garnered commercial success in Gadar 2 (2023).
What is the release date of ‘Vanvaas’?
‘Vanvaas’ is set to be released in theaters on December 20, 2024.
Who are the main cast members of ‘Vanvaas’?
The film stars Utkarsh Sharma and Nana Patekar in lead roles, along with Rajpal Yadav and Simratt Kaur Randhawa.