Bollywood’s rising star, Ananya Panday, turned 25 today, and it was a birthday to recall for the actress. The young diva was flooded with heartfelt wishes from fans, family, and friends. However, it was her BFF trio – Suhana Khan, Navya Naveli Nanda, then Shanaya Kapoor – who stole the spotlight with their unique birthday posts and unseen glimpses into their deep-rooted friendship.
Suhana Khan, known for her durable friendship with Ananya that dates back to their toddler days, took her Instagram handle to portion three exclusive snapshots with the birthday girl. In one post, Suhana wrote, “Happy birthday to my bestie @ananyapanday,” glowing the warmth of their long-lasting bond.
Another post featured a costly moment with Ananya and her younger sister, Rysa Panday, accompanied by the earnest caption, “Love you forever and ever.”
Navya Naveli Nanda, another close contact of Ananya since their early years, shared a picturesque memory from a vacation they had taken calmly. The photo captured the two friends enjoying a refreshing swimming session, and Navya’s caption displayed affection, saying, “Happy birthday, my (love). Here is to Navigating all the choppy waters in life calmly. @ananyapanday.”
Shanaya Kapoor, who shares an indestructible bond with Ananya, did not hold back in expressing her love and admiration. She posted an amiable selfie with Ananya on her Insta story and sweetly captioned it, “Happy Birthday soul sisteerrr.”.
Shanaya dug deep into their star trove of memories, sharing an adorable childhood video of herself and Ananya. The caption recited, “Love you.”
The birthday celebrations did not stop with warm wishes and cherished memories. Inside pictures from Ananya Panday’s cake-cutting ceremony got social media droned with glimpses of the star-studded affair.
We wish Ananya Panday a happy 25th birthday!
Suhana Khan, who soon debuted with Zoya Akhtar’s ‘The Archies’, shared a glamorous photo with Ananya Panday. The subtitle read, “Happy Birthday to my bestieee @ananyapanday.”
She dropped another picture with the birthday girl beside her sister Rysa Panday and captioned them, “Love you persistently and ever.
Shanaya Kapoor dropped a beachside vacay picture with Ananya Panday and captioned it, “Happy Birthday, soul sister @ananyapanday.” She also posted an adorable video of the two from their childhood.
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