In the Cinebench R23 benchmark, AMD’s flagship Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core CPU’s most recent benchmark results have been revealed. The same user posted updated findings that are now being cooled by a 360mm AIO liquid cooler. The CPU still operates at its default all-core boost frequency of 5.0 GHz, but it achieves a much higher multi-threaded score of 36256 points.
The AMD Ryzen 9 7950X is the top-tier Zen 4 CPU and costs $699 US. It competes with Intel’s 12th Gen Core i9-12900K and the soon-to-be-released 13th Gen Core i9-13900K. (via Harukaze5719).
The leaker claims that the CPU is a close-to-retail processor with a base speed of 4.5 GHz, a boost clock of 5.7 GHz, and an all-core boost frequency of 5.0 GHz. On the 16 GB of DDR5-5600 memory installed in the Gigabyte AORUS X670E Xtreme motherboard, the chip was operating at default speeds and a default voltage of 1.48V. According to the user, the board will cost about 4999 Yuan, or about $700 USD. Let’s first discuss the parameters before moving on to the performance.
According to reports, the AMD Ryzen 7 7700X has a score of around 19800 while the Ryzen 5 7600X has a score of about 15100.
In comparison to its predecessor, the Ryzen 5 7600X is 34% quicker, however it is slower than the i5-12600K. While also being slightly slower than the Core i7-12700K, the Ryzen 7 7700X is about 29% faster than its predecessor.
We can’t say for sure if the chip was affected by thermal throttling because that seems to be the case with many samples because the performance was assessed using an air-cooler. With that said, we can also evaluate the Ryzen 9 7950X’s performance in comparison to the Core i9-13900K, the top-of-the-line Raptor Lake processor. The AMD Zen 4 CPU appears to be about 4% slower in single-core performance and 10% slower in multi-core performance. That’s a significant gap in multi-core performance, but we also need to consider the Raptor Lake CPU’s much larger 250–350W TDP.
The leaker further claims that water cooling is required for the chip to reach an all-core frequency of 5.0 GHz. Although the temperature with water cooling doesn’t go above 100C, it also isn’t stable inside Cinebench R23. There appears to be a major problem with this specific leak because AMD publicly displayed a +48% / +41% Multi-threaded boost in Cinebench R23 vs the 5950X and 12900K in their own presentation.
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