The Ashes of The Singularity benchmark now includes AMD’s Ryzen 9 7900X3D CPU with 3D V-Cache technology. The AMD Ryzen 9 7900X3D is one of three 3D V-Cache “Zen 4” CPUs due out later this month. The CPU appears to be in the hands of reviewers who are testing this chip, and one has put it through its paces in the Ashes of The Singularity benchmark.
The AMD Ryzen 9 7900X3D was tested with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 and scored up to 9100 points in the Crazy 1080p preset, though the resolution may not be FHD because the benchmark reports using a custom resolution.
The AMD Ryzen 9 7900X3D processor will have twelve cores and twenty-four threads. This is also a two-CCD configuration, with one CCD equipped with the V-Cache and the other without. The chip has 140 MB of cache (64 MB CCD, 64 MB V-Cache, and 12 MB L2). The base clock is rated at 4.4 GHz, which is 200 MHz slower than the Non-3D SKU, and the boost clock remains at 5.6 GHz. The CPU has a TDP of 120W as well.
The CPU is expected to cost $599 US at launch, which is the same MSRP as the Ryzen 9 7900X before it was reduced to $449 US. The CPU will come along with a free copy of Star Wars: Jedi Survivor.
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