The AMD chipset driver has been updated to version to support the firm’s new Ryzen 6000 Rembrandt mobile platform. The driver contains six new drivers, one of which supports USB 4 on Windows 10 and Windows 11. This driver only supports Ryzen 6000 as of right now, however, compatibility should be increased to Ryzen 7000 once AMD’s AM5 platform debuts later in the year.
The USB 3.2 specifications have been significantly improved upon by the most recent USB communication standard, USB 4. The main advancement is a 40Gbps bandwidth boost for “high-end” USB4 connections, which is comparable to Thunderbolt 3 speed. But the USB4 standard also permits slower 20Gbps implementations if you want to conserve money or electricity. Thunderbolt 3 devices can operate with USB 4 because of its 40Gbps speed, but manufacturers are free to opt-out of integrating it.
The Ryzen 6000 processor is the first AMD platform to completely implement the USB 4 standard
Since only the 40Gbps implementation is supported, every Ryzen 6000 laptop with a USB 4 connection will, fortunately, have the highest standard. The additional five drivers comprised in this chipset upgrade are the Wireless Button Driver, PMF Driver, PPM Provisioning File Driver, AMS Mailbox Driver, and S0i3 Filter Driver. It is unknown if any of the other four drivers, including the wifi driver, will be Ryzen 6000 mobile-specific.
AMD has also made various performance and bug adjustments to the new chipset driver, the bulk of which are relevant to all Ryzen systems. The PSP driver has had bugs fixed, while the I2C, UART, and MicroPEP drivers have all seen performance improvements. To support new software, AMD also made changes to the PCI Device Driver. These improvements will benefit all Ryzen platforms.
For Ryzen mobile systems, there are only two updates. The first is significant in light of AMD’s expanded support for Ryzen 9 mobile in power management software. The second is the SFH driver adding support for aircraft mode alerts.
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