Although AMD unveiled its RDNA 3 architecture in June, it remained silent about the details of the upcoming graphics cards. However, new details regarding AMD’s newest Navi 3x silicon have been provided by Angstronomics. According to the new publication, no changes have been made to the specifications since they were approved in 2020. However, proceed with some caution while using the material.
Three Navi 3x silicon are covered in detail by Angstronomics: Navi 31, Navi 32, and Navi 33. From largest to smallest, Navi 31 is the flagship silicon and is hailed as the first chipset-based GPU in the world. According to reports, Navi 31, which has the GFX1100 ID (codename Plum Bonito), has one Graphics Chiplet Die (GCD) and six additional Memory Chiplet Dies (MCD). According to the article, the MCD is a byproduct of the 6nm manufacturing node, whereas the GCD is on TSMC’s 5nm process node.
The GCD, which is about 308 mm2 in size, can accommodate up to 48 Workgroup Processors (GPS). Taking that into account, the Navi 31 die has 96 compute units (CUs), or 12,288 ALUs. Each WGP has two CUs. The MCD, on the other hand, measures about 37.5 mm2. Navi 31-powered graphics cards will have up to 96MB of Infinity Cache because each MCD contains 16MB of AMD’s Infinity Cache. An interface of 384 bits is included with Navi 31. Compared to Navi 21, which has 128MB of Infinity Cache, Navi 31 has a lower Infinity Cache.
According to Angstronomics, AMD is preparing a 3D-stacked MCD (1-hi) that would increase the Infinity Cache by twofold. However, given the price increase, the performance improvement isn’t substantial, therefore the mainstream Navi 31 will continue to use 96MB. AMD had originally planned to release a more powerful model with 288MB Infinity Cache (2-hi), but the chipmaker may have scrapped the idea due to the appalling benefit-cost ratio.
According to data from Angstronomics, AMD might provide a scaled-down version of the Navi 31 SKU. The less expensive version might only have 42 WGPs (84 CUs or 10,752 ALUs). The silicon is said to have one fewer MCD, with a 320-bit memory bus and an 80MB Infinity Cache configuration as its maximum configuration.
If nothing else, the Navi 31-based reference design appears to have a somewhat taller triple-fan cooling system than the Navi 21 design. In addition, the heatsink fins have a three-red-stripe accent. Navi 31 just needed two 8-pin PCIe power connectors for all of its power needs.
The diminutive version of Navi 31, also known as GFX1101 (codename Wheat Nas), targets both the mobile and desktop markets. The GCD and MCD have respective sizes of 200 mm2 and 37.5 mm2. Only 30 WGPs, or up to 60 CUs, are available in the GCD (7,680 ALUs). The Infinity Cache can only hold 64MB thanks to the Navi 32’s four MCDs. Again, it’s less than the 96MB configuration of Navi 22. According to Angstronomics, AMD is considered a 128MB (1-hi) Navi 32 model. The benefit simply cannot balance the greater price. Therefore, it’s possible that the model won’t be available.
Navi 33 has 16 WGPs, or 32 CUs, in total (4,096 ALUs). With drop-in compatibility with Navi 23 PCBs, Navi 33 makes it easier for manufacturers to adopt it. It has a 128-bit memory interface and 32MB of Infinity Cache. Angstronomics claims that Navi 33 outperforms Intel’s top-tier Arc Alchemist offering and costs only half as much to produce while using more power.
The premium RDNA 3 graphics cards from AMD will go on sale before the year is over. With its new GeForce RTX 40-series lineup, which is expected to debut in August or September, Nvidia will compete with RDNA 3 in this market.
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