New World is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game by Amazon Games set to be released on September 28, 2021. The game was previously scheduled to release in May 2020 and subsequently August 2021, but was delayed to its current date.
Amazon’s gaming division has recently announced that it will start its open beta for the company’s New World MMO and the news was announced during Opening Night Live. The game open beta is set to take place from September 9 to September 12. and according to the official announcement, this new beta will allow anyone to try New World out ahead of its eventual September 28 release.
For now, Amazon has not shared its exact details however it discussed the desired support of New World with post-launch content and updates.
During the announcement, Amazon stated that a common player request more supernatural weapons and elements, which will arrive in some form “shortly after launch.”
Amazon delayed the game by a month from its original date and now it will come in September. However, the games recently displayed closed beta has been a huge success on Steam.
The game’s previous closed beta was pretty successful and the reviews given out by many gamers were quite positive. Its high-level PvE zones also show real promise for its end-game, and so – fingers crossed – New World could be another MMO with a long life ahead of it.