The South Indian superstar Mohanlal has come with a new thriller film ‘Alone‘. In this film, he is collaborating with the actor and filmmaker Shaji Kailas after 12 years. The story film focuses on a man named Kalidas who has investigated a rather suspicious flat in the middle of the pandemic situation, He is just trying to find out the supernatural presence around him.
In the trailer, Mohanlal is playing the role of Kalidas, who has got waxed eloquently after the ‘Butterfly effect’ before he has taken any decision to come rather than spooky flat as he has tried to deep dive at the bottom of the mystery. Things are not straightforward like Kalidas getting several tricks on his sleeve.
This is mainly a one-hero film with Mohanlal, a one-man army trying to find out the mystery and reach the root of all the problems. Shaji Kalidas is the director of the thriller film Alone. The actor-director duo had earlier delivered hits like Aaram Thamburan and Narasimham. The last time they collaborated with Red Chillies, was released in 2009.
The tone, feel, and texture of Alone, however, is a unique Mohanlal film and doesn’t possess the over-the-top masala that people have come to expect from this collaboration. In this film, we will see Abhinandan Ramanujam, and Pramod K Pillai as the cinematographers, who earlier worked in Mohanlal’s Oppam, and composed the music.
While unveiling the title of the film, Mohanlal had earlier spoken about his collaborations with director Shaji Kailas. “Shaji and I have worked in several movies. Shaji’s heroes are always brave and strong. And real heroes are always alone. You will understand it when you watch this film,” he said.
The filmmaker has not revealed any release date of the film. We are expecting, it will release very soon.
Here is the trailer:
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