Some earlier reports suggest that Google may launch its Pixel 5a smartphone in the second half of 2021, probably in May. As of now, a few live images have been leaked online of the Google Pixel 5a. But it looks like that the images are fake for certain reasons. However, we’ll definitely get into the images and try to understand what’s true and what’s false. As of now, Google has not officially confirmed that device, but released a document that revealed that the Google Pixel 5a will arrive with a codename “barbette”.
If we closely investigate those rear life images, we found that there is no punch-hole cutout for the selfie camera. The previously launched Google Pixel 4a has a punch-hole cutout for its front camera. But this time, it hasn’t. Moreover, the bezels (four sides) of this phone look quite thicker. So, right now, there could be two possibilities: one of them is the Google Pixel 5a will have an under-display selfie camera whereas the possibility suggests that its selfie snapper has now been stuffed into a thick top-edge bezel. Two of those live images are showing the home-screen and the lock-screen, both of them having a wallpaper saying that the device is Pixel “5a”. The other two images are mentioning video stabilization and some fast boot mode details.
Here comes the main reason why we’re calling the live images “fake”. Earlier we’ve mentioned that this device is about to arrive with the codename “barbette” whereas, in those live images, it is shown as “starfish” and here the conflict begins. The serial number also seems suspicious at “0123456789ABCDEF”. So, we can not be absolutely confirmed regarding the current leaks of the Google Pixel 5a, but we can definitely take it as a pinch of salt.
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