It was started as a dream to create the “next level of immersive gaming to mobile gamers,” which has now been done into an exciting collaboration between Dell Alienware and Cherry MX. The three-year bond, which the companies have named Project X, now brings “true mechanical key switches” to the Alienware m15 R4 – the first gaming laptop in the world designed in league with the king of key switches, Cherry MX.
Head of Technology & Partner Marketing at Cherry MX, Michael Schmid, said in a statement that the most comparable switches are Cherry MX blues, but the m15’s are nearly six times smaller.
If you want to hear how the switches sound in action, you can listen via Alienware’s sneaky post below.
The new switches bring the self-cleaning mechanism to contribute 15 million keystrokes per key. You will get 100 percent anti-ghosting and N-key rollover with all those bubbles popping keys. Including the full-height mechanical key in a laptop will be an interesting one to see.
The Alienware m15 R4 has now the option of all the delights of a good mechanical keyboard, “without changing the dimension of Alienware’s thinnest notebooks to date.” Though the weight has been affected.
The Dell Alienware m15 R4 configuration offers up to 10th generation Intel CPU, and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 GPU, along with “hyper-efficient voltage regulation technology” meant to improve the performance in the long-run.
The Cherry MX keyboard having those options will cost a little higher than the starter price of $1800, but exactly how much more is not known yet. Now, let’s hope the laptop’s overall engineering and ventilation are better than the DeLorean itself.