Intel was the ruler of the silicon market with its high-performing processors in both mobile and desktop platforms and the data centre processors. It still enjoys the largest share in the market; however, AMD has long surpassed Intel in the desktop and data centre market in terms of performance.
As such, Intel never misses the opportunity to take a shot or two at its opponent in the name of advertising. But recently, there have been some strange things happening with the marketing of AMD-based mini PCs or laptops.
And to add to the suspicions a new report has emerged from Extremetech regarding Alienware’s misrepresentation of its AMD-based Aurora PCs as opposed to the Intel-based models. this is a clear indication that yet again the big OEMs still chooses to side with Intel. Intel did admit at some point that “Dell is the best friend money can buy.”
Here are some discrepancies spotted between the Intel-based and AMD-based Alienware Aurora PCs. Source (Intel’s official website):
- The upgrade from the Comet Lake to Rocket Lake is clearly emphasized through the advancement from the R11 to the R12 lineups, whereas the systems featuring new Ryzen 5000 CPUs keep the same R10 moniker that was assigned to previous Ryzen 3000 systems.
- No mention of PCIe 4.0 support on the AMD systems, and Alienware’s product descriptions are suggesting that only the Intel systems come equipped with an 80 Plus Gold rated PSU.
- Landing pages for the AMD-based Ryzen 5000 models appear to support half as much RAM as the Intel systems and only up to an RTX 3080 GPU. In reality, the AMD systems can support 128 GB of DDR4-3400 RAM and up to an RTX 3090 GPU, but one needs to click “Buy Yours” to see all the available options.
- Alienware offers DDR4-3400 for the Intel systems, but only DDR4-3200 for AMD ones, even if this supports DDR4-3600.
- The top AMD configurations offer only single-channel RAM, whereas all Intel systems get dual-channel RAM.
- Intel advertising verbiage is constantly updated every time a new CPU generation is launched and the systems are described as “gaming desktops.” AMD’s descriptions have been unchanged since 2019 and the Ryzen systems are not presented as gaming machines.