Prime Video India made a significant announcement on Tuesday, revealing that Bollywood star Alia Bhatt has joined the crime series Poacher as its executive producer. Collaborating with Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Richie Mehta, the series is poised to tackle the grave issue of ivory poaching in India. Scheduled for release on February 23, Poacher promises to be a riveting blend of entertainment and environmental advocacy.
Poacher is an investigative crime series that draws inspiration from real events, shedding light on the illicit trade of ivory in India. Created, written, and directed by Richie Mehta, the series aims to raise awareness about the pressing issue of wildlife crime while also providing engaging entertainment. With its release in multiple languages including Malayalam, Hindi, and English, Poacher seeks to reach a diverse audience.
Alia Bhatt as Executive Producer
Debuting as an executive producer with Poacher, Alia Bhatt expresses her excitement and honour to be part of such a significant project. Her production house, Eternal Sunshine Productions, shared the news on Instagram, underlining the personal impact the series had on her. Bhatt believes that Poacher will serve as a powerful narrative, urging viewers to be more compassionate towards all living beings and embrace coexistence.
Collaborative Efforts
The involvement of Alia Bhatt, alongside director Richie Mehta and the production team, underscores a collective commitment to addressing critical social issues through storytelling. With the support of production houses like QC Entertainment, Suitable Pictures, Poor Man’s Productions, and Eternal Sunshine Productions, series has garnered attention for its potential to raise awareness and spark conversations.
About the Series
Poacher represents a unique fusion of environmental conservation and entertainment, aiming to highlight the global concern of illegal poaching. With an ensemble cast led by Nimisha Sajayan, Roshan Mathew, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya, the series promises to captivate audiences while delivering a powerful message about the need for wildlife protection.
Poacher Release Date
Poacher, starring Nimisha Sajayan, Roshan Mathew, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya, will debut on Prime Video from February 23.
Detail | Description |
Title | Poacher |
Release Date | February 23, 2024 |
Executive Producer | Alia Bhatt |
Director | Richie Mehta |
Cast | Nimisha Sajayan, Roshan Mathew, Dibyendu Bhattacharya |
Genre | Crime, Drama, Thriller |
Languages | Malayalam, Hindi, English |
Production Companies | QC Entertainment, Suitable Pictures, Poor Man’s Productions, Eternal Sunshine Productions |
Streaming Platform | Prime Video |
Plot | Investigative crime series exploring ivory poaching in India, based on true events |
As the release date of Poacher approaches, anticipation continues to build for a series that transcends traditional entertainment boundaries. With Alia Bhatt’s involvement as executive producer, series not only entertains but also educates and empowers viewers to become stewards of the environment.
Get ready to embark on a journey into the heart of the wilderness, where the hunt for justice intertwines with the call for environmental preservation. Poacher is poised to make a lasting impact, reminding us of the importance of protecting our planet and its precious wildlife.
Stay tuned on TechnoSports for further updates on the series.
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