The trailer of Tamil Web Series ‘Akash Vaani’ has been released. It seems that the Bigg Boss Tamil 3 sensation Kavin has set to make his digital debut in the latest Tamil web series. It has been reported that Akash Vaani in the opposite Bigil fame Reva Monica John.
It has been able by Enoc who is a former associate of the fantastic Tamil filmmaker associate of blockbuster Tamil filmmaker Atlee who is also making his directorial debut with the web series and also create a lot of positive buzz into the trade and also on social media.
It has been reported that the first look of the highly anticipated web series just got dropped a few days back to the rousing response from the fans, Aha Tamil dropped the trailer on Monday.
Akash Vaani: Plot
The trailer of ‘Akash Vaani’ starts with a college backdrop with the hero Kavin and the heroine Reba also has been introduced along with the wacky batch contains with friends and also about the sidekicks. It continues with the progress to Kavin who is trying to impress Reba and at last, the couple comes together.
All of them have been completed their graduation eventually and Kavin and Reba getting hitched after that the couple then has been shared such joyous and emotional moments jointly before the twist come in the story.
The trailer does not reveal those situations and also the resulting outcomes have not been revealed. This drama will attract audiences of all ages. This fun romantic drama mainly targets the youth and also about the pairing of Kavin and Reba has no doubt with the biggest USP that both are exhibiting with great chemistry in the latest glimpse.
Akash Vaani: Cast
In this series, we will see Kavin, Reba Monica John, Sharath Ravi, Deepak Ramesh, and Abitha Venkat. This series has been produced by Kaustubha Mediaworks. The cinematography and editing have been done by Santhakumar Chakravarthy and Kalaivanan.
Akash Vaani: Release Date
This series will release on 11th February 2022 on Aha.
Here is the trailer
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