Last month, the Indian telecom operator Reliance Jio was spotted offering free 2GB data for four days to selected customers. Now, Airtel probably doing the same. It offers 1GB data at no cost. To get the benefit of this promotional offering, consumers have to recharge with any data plan. As per OnlyTech, the additional data will be valid for three days.
This comes to know to OnlyTech when one of their members recharge the ₹48 plan and got 4GB data instead of 3GB. Later on, Airtel notified the user about that 1GB free extra benefit which valid for three days. Next to it, against the recharge of ₹49 plan, happened the same.
The two plans are the short time plans. It’s not clear yet whether Airtel is offering the same for long term plans or not.
Alongside, Airtel, nowadays, offers two free data coupons, providing 1GB data for each of one with the validity of 28 days, against the prepaid plans of Rs. 219, Rs. 249, Rs. 298, Rs. 349, and Rs. 398.
Let you know, Airtel lifted free Zee5 Premium Subscription from all its plans except the Rs. 289 plan that provides 1.5 GB data per day, unlimited calls, and 100 SMSes for 28 days.
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