Apple has launched an affordable Apple Pencil with USB-C connectivity, making it a cost-effective choice for iPad users. This new accessory is priced at ₹7,900 and features a sliding cap design that reveals the USB-C port, simplifying the process of charging and pairing with compatible iPads. Importantly, it can securely stick to the side of various iPad models, including the 10th-generation device released last year. Additionally, it is more budget-friendly than Apple’s 2nd-gen Pencil, which was priced at ₹11,900 in India.
The All-New Apple Pencil
This budget Apple Pencil does come with some limitations when compared to its predecessor. It lacks many features such as pressure sensitivity, wireless pairing and charging, and the double-tap functionality for tool switching. However, it does support hover functionality, especially with M2 models of the iPad Pro. Additionally, it offers support for low latency, tilt sensitivity, and precise drawing capabilities.
The new Apple Pencil is compatible with a range of iPad models equipped with a USB-C port, including the iPad (10th generation), iPad Air (4th and 5th generations), iPad Pro 11-inch (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generations), iPad Pro 12.9-inch (3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th generations), and iPad mini (6th generation).
This affordable Apple Pencil can be bought for ₹7,900 in India and will be available from early November. It features a sliding cap that reveals the USB-C port, allowing easy connection through a USB-C cable for both pairing and charging. When magnetically attached to the iPad for storage, the new Apple Pencil enters a sleep state to conserve its battery life.
Furthermore, Apple has introduced an offer for students and educators as part of its education program. The Pencil will be available for ₹6,900 only. This educational price is open to current and newly accepted college students and their parents, as well as faculty, staff, and homeschool teachers of all grade levels.