Adobe finally receives the update for photoshop which brings native to Apple Silicon. Adobe promises the users that they can have the experience of 1.5 times faster performance than running Adobe Photoshop via Rosetta emulation. In November 2020, the beta was announced, version 22.3 of Photoshop has now officially added support for the Apple Silicon.
It should be known that there are some caveats here while you are getting native operations. Users can now run Photoshop as a native Apple Silicon app or Rosetta emulation for starters. Under the native mode there, certain features will not be available. According to Adobe, the Apple Silicon doesn’t support the ability to import, export, and playback embedded video players.
Adobe is also noting down some known issues that beta users reported for Apple Silicon support. Adobe has informed that the ability to copy/paste edits between an Adobe app running natively on Apple Silicon and running through the Rosetta emulation is currently not supported. Adobe as a solution recommends that both the applications run under the same model, which suggests that you are running them either through the Apple Silicon or through the Rosetta emulation.
Along with the support for Apple Silicon, the latest Adobe Photoshop also able to bring general and expected bug fixes and improvements. Adobe Creative Cloud customers can begin the new experience and start updating Photoshop using the Creative Cloud app on their Macs. If you need more information about the update, you can check out here and read all the changes.