The trailer of the upcoming Netflix film has been dropped that depicts the story of a Filipino reporter Nico Mendoza who is making a documentary based on the popular Filipinas in the Article Circle. He has visited the Faroe Islands to shoot the interview with Filipina Mahjoy Garoalio, who has successfully managed the food catering business at that place.
He is now very conscious about her work schedule, her way of life, and balancing her family life with her Faroese husband Sigmund and losing her daughter Lena. After providing us to Island in “Through Night and day” and Greenland in “Nuuk”, the popular globetrotting writer, Veronica B. Velasco, has brought us to the more unfamiliar Arctic Locale this time.
Now here is the small volcanic archipelago called the Faroe Islands and Norway in the North Atlantic Ocean. It also states that there are approx—300 Filipinos living now, mostly the mail order brides.
After watching the trailer we can assume the story from the getting going. After watching the first scene together, it was quite pretty serious that Nico would fall in love with Mahjoy. In this, Velasco tries her best to make the fact spicier by bringing us around to watch the place where we would never watch ourselves. After marvelling at the mountains, waterfalls, and ocean’s natural scenic beauty, she has also introduced us to the exotic food items there, just like the fermented meat or maybe the fatty cheese.
There are Paolo Contis and Yen Santos also had the familiar handle based on the characters. Contis also had the natural to be the charming rascal, and also Santos is a hardworking homemaker. After the simplicity of the plot, it just depends on the chemistry to maintain the interest. There was also a cute scene just like while Mahjoy has received surprises from the Philippines. It is also filled with the scene that had totally been uncomfortable to see that Mahjoy was a married woman.
It is seriously very unfortunate that the most picturesque Froe Islands band, the Faroese people, had to keep to the backdrop for the unimaginative story of the forbidden love. It was also the story that had not exactly put the Filipina compatriots to be there in a good light after the admirable premise at first they are celebrating the success of the Filipina in the faraway country.
In this, the scene of the airport has been summarized practically all the thing that is very wrong with this reckless story.
Here is the trailer: