As we all know that, recently, Apple has launched AirPods Max. It is made of stainless steel and is available in five different color variants: space gray, silver, sky blue, green, and pink. Now, the Russian Luxury brand Caviar has announced that they would be launching a Custom Edition of AirPods Max.
This Russian company is famous for making luxury variants of popular tech products. Recently, Caviar has launched a pure gold version of the newly launched Apple AirPods Max, which is priced at $108,000.
According to a recent article by MacRumors, this Custom Edition of AirPods Max will launch in 2021. This upcoming Custom Edition of the AirPods Max will come with two colour variants: White and Black. Each colour will offer at a single price worldwide. This indicates that this new edition of AirPods Max could be an exclusive item and it will be made to order.
If you looking at the design, the custom edition of Apple AirPods Max will have a gold plating, and due to this gold plating, this AirPods Max will be expensive. The gold touch will make the AirPods more elegant. Apart from this gold plating, all the features of this custom edition AirPods are remaining the same. This company basically paying for exclusive design and gold plating. Previously, this Russian Laxuary company, Caviar had released the Custom Edition of iPhone 12 Pro, which housed the circuit board of an original Apple I computer.
The company also reveals that the Custom edition of AirPods Max is not for the general customer, it is valid for Caviar’s elite customer only.