As per the latest announcement from Oppo, the company is planning to set up its first overseas 5G innovation lab in Hyderabad, India. It is a brave step from Oppo, regarding this time of growing tensions between India and China. As of now, there is no 5G technology in India. However, multiple companies are working on it to make this happen as soon as possible. To pace this working, Oppo has decided to set up its own 5G innovations lab in India. Regarding the current tension between India and China, several technical firms linked to China had got banned by the Government of India. Regarding India’s own companies, Reliance Jio is expected to launch the very-first 5G connectivity services in the country, probably in the second half of 2021.
Right now, apart from Reliance Jio, the Chinese tech giant Oppo has made a big investment to boost the research and development for the 5G connectivity within the region. Regarding this issue, Tasleem Arif, Oppo India Vice President and Head for Research and Development says, “This is Oppo’s first 5G lab overseas. With this lab setup, while we work towards developing core technologies for the 5G era and strengthen the overall ecosystem, we also aim to support India in its 5G journey.”
The upcoming Oppo’s 5G innovation lab in Hyderabad will be the second one from the company as the first one is located in its own country, China. As per reports, in this lab, Oppo will work on different categories for research and development, including camera, power, and battery, and performance for its smartphones. As it is situated in India, that means the output from it will surely help the development of products for its Indian customers and international markets as well.