Around a week earlier, the electronics gadgets maker and smartphone giant Realme announced an event scheduled on 15th December, this Tuesday. On the announcement page, the name “Realmeow” was highlighted; even after the announcement, the company hyped up the name a lot through almost every social media platform, posted some clips, etc. Everywhere an animated cat was shown that wears a glass that seems to be a VR glass.
Needless to say, from the first day, lots of rumors come to the market regarding what is coming. Digging the image of the shadow of Realmeow, tech enthusiasts like us were expecting the launch of a VR glass, at least on the event day. The whole day passed, and I can bet, Realmeow is still a mystery to most of us. Please look at what the company reveals till now, and comment either you get what exactly Realme is doing, or you are as confused as us.
As per some of the sources, Realmeow is the Chief Trend Officer or mascot of Realme. But there is nothing mentioned on the webpage. Instead, there are some superpowers written of Realmeow, the animated can with a VR Type headset.
As per the company, Realmeow has ultra frequency awareness, “The Ultra-sensory Ear is capable of recognizing sound over a wide range of frequencies from 0.1Hz to 1,000,000Hz, and efficiently understands all galactic Gen-Z languages.” The glass, which we assumed as a VR glass, can “transform any object with just a glance, making it sharp with attitude an explosive with energy.” There are four more superpowers – transmit data in real-time through a treasure pocket to store things, a gravity device in legs, and lastly, the evolving mechanical body that turns to wings when it’s time to fly.
According to us, there can be two possibilities. The first one is Realmeow is actually a cat robot with cutting edge technologies, manufactured by Realme itself. Or, each superpower of the cat is actually representing upcoming products. The company is exaggerating and putting those together to form a hero character. For example, the laser glass represents a VR glass; the evolving mechanical body is a jacket, the pocket is a storage device, and more.
What’s your thought about Realmeow? Do you agree with us? Let us know in the comments.