Lava has unveiled a budget 5G offering in India, called the Lava Yuva Smart. It is a budget segment device and is a familiar design, with a waterdrop notch on the front and a square camera module on the back. For security purposes, the phone packs a side-mounted fingerprint sensor. It’s also backed by a Unisoc 9863A octa-core chip along with a 13MP primary sensor, Android 14 Go Edition, a 5,000mAh battery, and an HD+ display.
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Lava Yuva Smart Launched in India: Affordable 5G Smartphone with Impressive Features
As for pricing, the Lava Yuva Smart is available for ₹6,000 under an introductory offer. It comes in three colorways: Glossy Blue, Glossy White, and Glossy Lavender. The device is also backed by a one-year warranty, with the added benefit of free home service. While exact availability details are yet to be confirmed, it is currently listed on Amazon for ₹6,299.
The Lava Yuva Smart features a 6.75-inch HD+ display with a resolution of 1600 x 720 pixels, providing decent clarity for everyday use. The 60Hz refresh rate and 260 PPI ensure smooth scrolling and decent image quality. This is powered by the Unisoc 9863A octa-core processor, paired with 3GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage, further extendable using a microSD card. There’s 3GB of extended virtual RAM on the Yuva Smart as well for better performance.
On the optics front, the Lava Yuva Smart offers a dual rear camera setup with a 13MP primary sensor, and an AI secondary sensor, as well as a front camera with a resolution of 5MP for selfies and video calls. It is backed by a 5,000mAh battery that supports 10W charging, which is good enough to last a full day. It runs on Android 14 Go Edition and offers features like face unlock, a 3.5mm audio jack, and connectivity options including 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.2, and GPS.
Buy from Amazon India:
What is the price of Lava Yuva Smart?
The introductory price is ₹6,000.
What is the battery capacity of Lava Yuva Smart?
It has a 5,000mAh battery with 10W charging support.