Motorola is poised to unveil its latest foldable flagship candidate, the Moto Razr 60 Ultra, in the Indian market in the near future. Now, a listing for the device has been seen on the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) website, hinting at an imminent launch. The future phone (which has the model number XT2551 (codenamed for ‘Orion’) slots into Motorola’s existing naming schema the Razr 50 Ultra released back in July 2024 is the XT2451. Motorola may launch the device in India by mid-2025 if it keeps to this time frame.
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Moto Razr 60 Ultra Spotted in India with New Upgrades, Likely Launch Soon
According to a previous report, the Razr 60 Ultra may be powered by Qualcomm’s next-generation Snapdragon 8s Elite chip, which should offer similar performance to the 8 Gen 3 with even more efficiency and power. If true, the Razr 60 Ultra would become one of the first devices on the market with the new chipset after it starts supporting gaming, multitasking, and photography.
The device will likely come with LPDDR5X RAM and UFS 4.0 storage, significant upgrades over its predecessor, the Razr 50 Ultra. On the display side, we can expect the Razr 60 Ultra to keep the high-end specifications, potentially with a display similar to the 6.9-inch FHD+ LTPO pOLED one with a 165Hz refresh rate as seen on the Razr 50 Ultra, which should ensure a smooth overall experience. And maybe refine that folding design to make for a thinner, more ergonomic version.
In the camera department, while the exact details are not confirmed, Motorola is likely to improve the sensors for better photography and videography, building on the dual 50MP camera setup in the Razr 50 Ultra. Battery life may also see improvements, with the Razr 60 Ultra potentially featuring a larger battery and faster charging, surpassing the 4,000mAh capacity and 45W fast charging of the Razr 50 Ultra.
When will the Moto Razr 60 Ultra launch in India?
The Moto Razr 60 Ultra is expected to launch by mid-2025.
What are the key upgrades in the Moto Razr 60 Ultra?
The Razr 60 Ultra may feature the Snapdragon 8s Elite chipset, LPDDR5X RAM, UFS 4.0 storage, and improved cameras.