Renowned semiconductor chip maker company Qualcomm has unveiled its latest Snapdragon 888 next-gen flagship chipset during the 2020 edition of the Snapdragon Summit today. As of now, Qualcomm has not shared anything about the smartphones which will be going to use this SD 888 chipset in the upcoming years. However, Lei Jun (CEO of Xiaomi) has revealed that the upcoming Xiaomi Mi 11 is going to the first smartphone in the globe to launch with the SD 888 chipset. Let’s check out the specifications of this newest chipset from Qualcomm.
The combination of the SD 888 and the 3rd gen Qualcomm Snapdragon X60 5G modem offers mmWave and sub-6 across all major bands worldwide. This helps to enable global compatibility. Definitely, it is a 5G compatible chipset that supports 5G carrier aggregation, global multi-SIM, standalone, non-standalone, and Dynamic Spectrum Sharing.
This Snapdragon 888 chipset comes with the 6th-gen AI Engine and brings 26 tera operations per second (TOPS) if we compare it to the last generation. This chipset has a 2nd generation Qualcomm Sensing Hub, which “incorporates low-power always-on AI processing for intuitive intelligent features.” As of now, only the Mi 11 looks confirmed to use this chipset (as per the officials). But in the upcoming days, it is also expected that in some other smartphones such as Black Shark, Nubia RedMagic, OPPO Find X series, Realme, LG, Vivo, and iQOO, we can enjoy this flagship chipset as well. As per the smartphone manufacturers, they will launch SD888 powered smartphones in the first half of 2021.