Xiaomi is going to introduce Redmi Note 9 4G in the Indian market as Redmi 9 Power. On the other side, Poco M3 will first introduce in Europe then this phone will be re-introduced as the Redmi Note 9 4G in China with a slight tweaks design, this phone is also expected to released in the Indian market along with the Redmi Power 9.
The Redmi 9 power has been spotted in Google Play Console, which reveals that the phone comes with a model number of M2010J19SI, which is associated with the Redmi Note 9 4G China Model. We also have got some information about this upcoming phone through the Google Play Console datasheet, let’s check out this information.
According to Google Play Console, the Redmi 9 Power has a codename, ‘Lime’. This indicates that the Redmi Note 9 4G China model will be re-introduced as Remi 9 Power in the Indian market.
Alongside, Poco M3 has also been spotted on the Google Play Console datasheet. This phone is already launched in Europe and expected to re-introduce as Redmi Note 9 4G in China with a slightly different design. According to Google Play Console, the Poco M3 has a model number of, M2010J19CI. The last latter of the model number indicates the country it will launch in, so, looking at the model number it will be confirmed that the Poco M3 will launch in India in the future.
The Redmi Note 9 4G is identical to the Poco M3, but the Redmi Note 9 4G will come with a slightly tweaked design. There is no official confirmation that when both phones will launch in India. It is expected that the Poco M3 and Redmi 9 Power could offer similar specifications.