OpenAI launched the Advanced Voice Mode feature for all paid ChatGPT users on Tuesday. The feature was first announced at May’s OpenAI Spring Updates event and offers a more human-like voice chat experience, with the AI able to emote, change its tone of voice, and respond to users. Having launched in trial form to a select group of paid users last July, it is now open to all ChatGPT Plus and Teams subscribers worldwide with the exception of Europe for now.
The All New ChatGPT Advanced Voice Mode
OpenAI posted the new feature in a blog on X (formally called Twitter) and added some more context. Advanced Voice Mode will come as a part of the ChatGPT app on Android and iOS while it would be excluded from the web version of this. Users will receive a notification once the feature is activated for them.
ChatGPT app users can click the waveform icon next to the text input field for Advanced Voice Mode Doing this activates the new voice mode that includes five different voices: Vale, Spruce, Arbor, Maple, and Sol; each voice varies a bit as far as pitch along with tone and regional accent. For one, Advanced Voice Mode contains a custom instructions option where users can add their own details for the AI to learn and remember. Once this information is added, ChatGPT will tailor its responses accordingly.
While OpenAI was the first to announce this feature, Google has since introduced a similar capability called Gemini Live. The reason for the delay remains unclear, but OpenAI stated that it used the additional time to enhance “conversational speed, smoothness, and accents in select foreign languages.”
Although the feature is available in many regions worldwide, OpenAI confirmed it will not be rolled out in the EU, the UK, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein, likely due to regulatory concerns regarding privacy and data collection.
Is the Advanced Voice Mode available on all platforms?
No, it is currently available only on the ChatGPT app for Android and iOS, not on the web.
Can users customize the voice in Advanced Voice Mode?
Yes, users can choose from five different voices with varying pitches and accents.