After the launch of the Z Fold 2, Samsung is in the works to launch the new beast in the market, Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 2. As of now, the company has not confirmed the launch date. But as per some of the tipsters, the launch of the Galaxy Z Flip 2 will get delayed to the summer of 2021, which means mid-2021. Tipsters have also revealed that this upcoming Samsung smartphone may have stereo speakers. If this will happen, then it will definitely be a huge improvement if we compare it to its predecessors.
Both of its predecessors, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip and the Z Flip 5G have downward-firing mono speakers on board. So, the multimedia experience can be even better in the upcoming Galaxy Z Flip 2. But unfortunately, we have to wait some more months to get it launched. Earlier, this Galaxy Z Flip 2 was expected to launch alongside the Galaxy S21 series in the first quarter of 2021. But now it seems that it will take even more.
Apart from the stereo speakers and the launch date, the tipsters have not revealed more about the upcoming phone. Renowned tipster @Ricciolo1 has tweeted that Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 2 is going to feature stereo speakers and tipster Ross Young has tipped that the launch of the Z Flip 2 has been delayed to the summer of 2021. If this is true, we will not be going to see anything about this phone in the upcoming launch event of the Galaxy S21 series. The reason is still unknown why Samsung is delaying this launch, which could be due to production or supply issues.
As of now, we do not have any kind of leaks or stuff regarding the design or any specification of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 2. As the launch date is far away, the company will probably reveal something in the upcoming days. We can just wait right now.