The Motorola Edge 50, Motorola’s newest midrange smartphone, launched in India. It is the thinnest smartphone in the world with an IP68 rating and a military-grade (MIL-810H) certification. It has a sturdy build. The smartphone can endure shocks, vibrations, and unintentional drops, according to the manufacturer, which says that it has passed 16 demanding tests for durability and adverse environmental conditions.
Motorola Edge 50 launched in India with SD 7 Gen 1 details
The 6.7″ curved pOLED with 120Hz refresh rate and FHD+ resolution is a highlight of the Edge 50. The screen has a 32MP front-facing camera and is shielded by Corning Gorilla Glass 5.
One model of the Motorola Edge 50, featuring 256GB of storage and 8GB of RAM, is offered. The smartphone comes with a vegan suede back in Koala Grey and Jungle Green, as well as a vegan leather back in Pantone Peach Fuzz.
Along with Motorola’s Moto AI features, including as Adaptive Stabilization and Smart Color Optimization for improved photo and video quality, the device also has powerful Google AI features like Magic Eraser, Photo Unblur, and Magic Editor.
With its sophisticated features, stylish appearance, and affordable price, the Motorola Edge 50 is expected to be a formidable competitor in the Indian smartphone market. A thorough evaluation will be coming soon.
On August 8, the Motorola Edge 50 will go on sale on Motorola’s official website as well as Flipkart. Motorola is giving customers who use credit cards from Axis Bank and IDFC First Bank an instant discount of Rs 2,000 off the device’s Rs 27,999 pricing.