Google will hold its hardware event on August 13. Google has started teasing the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, confirming both its design and name days before it is set to be announced at this year’s “Made By Google” event. The teaser indicates the availability of a new off-white color and dual-level rear cameras. In India, we can also expect to see the Pixel 9 Pro Fold and a significant bump over last year’s iteration of that phone.
The Upcoming Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold
The announcement of the Pixel 9 Pro was followed by a teaser video where Google showed off both the design and name of its upcoming foldable, now officially known as the Pixel 9 Pro Fold. On the phone, there is written: ‘Foldable phone built for Gemini era’ on top and an AI chatbot. This design features a huge rectangular camera bump containing lenses arranged vertically in a dual-level configuration.
The teaser video also shows the external display and hinge on the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, which includes a hole-punch cutout. We can see the device in an off-white colour which does seem rather similar to Google’s Porcelain, and other brighter colours will also be options at launch. Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold, India The new foldable will be announced shortly after the Google Pixel 9 Pro launches in India on August 14, scheduled for a global announcement on August 13.
Google India posted a teaser saying: “Out with the old. In with the fold. Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold, for the first time in India,” featuring a black color option. Those who are interested can register for the new products on Google’s online store to receive updates about when they will be released. The Pixel Fold, Google’s first foldable smartphone, has yet to debut in India. The Pixel 9 Pro Fold is expected to compete with the Galaxy Z Fold 6, OnePlus Open, and Tecno Phantom V Fold in the Indian market.
When will the Pixel 9 Pro Fold be available in India?
The Pixel 9 Pro Fold will launch in India on August 14, a day after its global event.
What is a notable design feature of the Pixel 9 Pro Fold?
The Pixel 9 Pro Fold features a dual-level rear camera design and is shown in an off-white finish, with a prominent rectangular camera bump and vertically arranged lenses.