Realme GT Neo 6 will be launched in China the following Monday, May 9. To make things more interesting and unusual, the company has also confirmed that it will launch the Buds Air 6 on the same day it unveils the phone. Moreover, Realme also shared some details regarding the Buds Air 6 features, which leads us to believe that it may also announce the Pro model at the launch event. Here are all the details for this Realme earbuds launch and what you can expect.
The Upcoming Realme Buds Air 6 and Buds Air 6 Pro
Realme’s official Twitter account has already confirmed that Buds Air 6 will officially launch in China on Sunday, May 9 at 2 PM local time. In the teaser, they announced that the upcoming earbuds would have Hi-Res certification, the awesome new LHDC 5.0 codec, and up to 50 dB of ANC.
According to the official website, the Realme Buds Air 6 will be running on 12.4mm drivers, Hi-Res certification, and LHDC 5.0 technology to ensure sound quality. These earbuds will also have up to 50 dB of active noise cancellation with 4000Hz ultra-wideband noise reduction to cancel ambient noise.
The Buds Air 6 will also include six built-in microphones to offer up to 40 hours of playtime when used with the charging case. However, the total time may be less, depending on whether you are using the ANC mode with it. Furthermore, these earbuds will be fast charging and will allow 7 hours of calling with just 10 minutes of charging. It will also have IP55 ratings for being water and dust-resistant.
Additionally, as stated on the website, the Buds Air 6 Pro will provide the best listening experience due to the 3D spatial sound effects and have a significant battery improvement from the Buds Air 6. However, the fast charging feature will be the same as before. Finally, the Buds Air 6 Pro has the remaining key features from Buds Air 6 like IP55 rating, up to 50 dB of active cancellation, 4000Hz ultra-wideband noise reduction, Hi-Res, and LHDC 5.0. Finally, while the Buds Air 6 will have three colors: Green, Purple, and Orange, the Buds Air 6 Pro will be in Glacier Silver Light and Galaxy Titanium Shadow.