According to the WhatsApp tracking website WABetaInfo WhatsApp is set to bring in a range of features. The recent beta updates for Android have unveiled two additions: expanded support for status videos and the ability to preview voice notes before playing them back. Here are the specifics:
The Upcoming Features on WhatsApp
In the WhatsApp beta update for Android version users will soon have the option to share videos of up to one minute in length on their WhatsApp status posts. Presently users are restricted to uploading 30-second videos on their status updates. This update aims to simplify the process of sharing videos without having to split them into 30-second segments.
Though this feature is currently accessible to a group of beta testers it is anticipated that it will be made available widely in the near future. This enhancement eliminates the need for users to go through editing processes just to fit their message within the time limit provided. Given that Instagram allows videos in Stories it was expected that WhatsApp would follow suit.
Moreover within the WhatsApp beta for Android version WABetaInfo has unveiled a feature related to voice notes. This feature allows users to convert voice notes into text format enabling them to read the content of listening to it. The goal is to enhance convenience and accessibility for all WhatsApp users.
The messaging app has recently rolled out voice message transcriptions in its iOS Beta version. They are currently working on bringing this functionality to Android users. To utilize the voice note transcription service, users will need to download an additional 150MB of app data. The feature utilizes the speech recognition capabilities of Android devices to provide end-to-end encrypted transcripts of voice notes.
This functionality is beneficial for individuals with hearing impairments and allows users to access voice notes when listening to them is not feasible. The transcripts are displayed in message bubbles below the voice notes. Although still in development, this feature is expected to be made available to the general audience in the near future.