The Vivo V30 and Vivo V30 Pro made their debut in India on Thursday, March 7, following their recent launch in Indonesia. These Indian versions of the smartphones boast similar specifications and features to their global counterparts. They are notably equipped with cameras boasting 50 megapixels and 1.5K curved displays. Additionally, they support 80W wired charging and operate on a user interface based on Android 14. Both versions are scheduled to be released on the market this month.
The All New Vivo V30 and Vivo V30 Pro
Regarding pricing and availability, the Vivo V30 Pro is offered in Andaman Blue and Classic Black colors with prices starting at ₹41,999 for the 8GB + 256GB model and ₹46,999, for the 12GB + 512GB variant. On the other hand, the Vivo V30 comes in Andaman Blue, Classic Black, and Peacock Green hues priced between ₹33,999 for the 8GB + 128GB version to ₹37,999 for the 12GB + 512GB edition. Consumers can buy these smartphones from March 14 onwards through Flipkart Vivo India e-store or physical retail stores. Pre-orders for both models will commence on March 7.
Online purchasers can enjoy a discount of 10 percent with SBI or HDFC cards opt for up to six months of no-cost EMI payment plans and potentially receive an exchange discount of up to ₹4,000. Customers shopping at stores can get a 10% instant cashback enjoy interest-free installments for up to eight months, and receive discounts of up to 40% on the Vivo’s V Shield protection plan.
The Vivo V30 and Vivo V30 Pro come equipped with 6.78-inch curved 1.5K AMOLED screens featuring a 120Hz refresh rate, a high touch sampling rate of 300Hz, and a peak brightness of 2,800 nits. The V30 runs on a Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor while the Pro variant is powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 8200 chipset. Both phones support up to 12GB of RAM and up to 512GB of storage and come with Android 14-based FunTouchOS 14.
In terms of camera capabilities, both phones feature a 50-megapixel primary sensor with OIS and a secondary 50-megapixel sensor with an ultra-wide-angle lens, accompanied by an Aura Light flash unit. The V30 Pro also includes an additional 50-megapixel portrait camera. Additionally, both models feature a 50-megapixel selfie camera. With 5,000mAh batteries and 80W wired fast charging support, the Vivo V30 and V30 Pro ensure efficient power management. They also feature in-display fingerprint scanners for enhanced security. While the base variant supports Bluetooth 5.4, the Pro model offers Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity.