With an Air Gesture feature, the Realme Narzo 70 Pro 5G is expected to launch in India later this month. Air Gesture would allow users of the Narzo 70 Pro 5G to access several phone functionalities without making physical touch, according to information that was directly released by Realme’s Indian affiliate.
Realme Narzo 70 Pro 5G will feature creative air gestures details
The Realme NARZO 70 Pro’s Creative Air Gestures let users to operate multiple features without ever touching the screen. In order to simulate screen interactions without requiring physical touch with the device, Realme claims that the next NARZO series handset supports over 10 air gestures.
Additionally, Realme has stated that the NARZO 70 Pro would have 65% less pre-installed apps and will have better specs and software than competing phones in its pricing range. The phone’s display will be flat and have a punch-hole notch in the middle.
The support for air gestures on the Narzo 70 Pro 5G has been confirmed by Realme. This implies that certain functionalities will be navigable for users without requiring screen interaction. The forthcoming product will accommodate more than ten gesture choices.
We can see a preview of this feature’s operation on the smartphone’s Amazon microsite. Swiping between apps, opening apps, and taking screenshots will all be possible for users.