Today, at the Indian Mobile Congress (IMC), Reliance Jio unveiled its latest offering for the Indian mobile market: the JioPhone Prima 4G. While it may appear to be a traditional feature phone, this device brings a surprising twist by enabling the use of popular applications such as YouTube and WhatsApp.
JioPhone Prima 4G Features and Specifications
The JioPhone Prima 4G is not your average feature phone. It comes equipped with 4G connectivity, a robust 1800mAh battery, and remarkable multilingual support for up to 23 languages. Its design exudes elegance, featuring a rounded form factor with the iconic Jio logo elegantly integrated into concentric circles on the rear panel. Notably, it maintains a svelte profile with a thickness of a mere 1.55cm.
Beneath the surface, the JioPhone Prima 4G runs on the power of an ARM Cortex A53 processor and offers ample storage that can be expanded up to 128GB. The inclusion of FM Radio and a 3.5mm audio jack ensures that users have a well-rounded experience.
Powered by KaiOS, this device hosts a single SIM slot and embraces Bluetooth version 5.0. KaiOS, a mobile operating system tailored for smart feature phones, is built upon the foundation of the open-source Firefox OS project and supports an extensive library of over 1200 applications. This means users can access not only core features but also popular applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, YouTube, and Google Maps.
In terms of pre-loaded content, the JioPhone Prima 4G comes bundled with various applications, including YouTube, JioTV, Jio Cinema, JioSaavn, JioNews, and more. The JioPhone Prima 4G is priced at an affordable ₹2,599 and is available in two attractive color options: blue and yellow. To sweeten the deal, the launch offers encompass enticing cashback deals, exclusive bank offers, and valuable coupons, making this feature-rich device an even more appealing choice for consumers.