The launch date for the iQOO series in India is still under wraps, but the company has already made an exciting revelation: it will be the first phone in India equipped with the powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor. This suggests that the flagship phone could hit the Indian market in the coming weeks. Before arriving in India, the iQOO 12 series is set to debut in China. Recently, what appears to be the first glimpse of the phone’s design surfaced on Weibo, a Chinese microblogging platform.
The Upcoming iQOO 12 Series Design
The latest official renders of the iQOO 12 series showcase a distinct camera design highlighted by metallic borders and a stunning white color variant. The back material of this particular model appears to be glossy glass, featuring elegantly curved edges. Continuing their collaboration with BMW Motorsport, iQOO has incorporated the iconic BMW M badge colors into the design, coupled with the tagline “Fascination Meets Innovation,” placed alongside the iQOO logo. It is important to note that these renders likely belong to the iQOO 12 Pro model, distinguished by its sophisticated design elements.
Furthermore, this Pro variant introduces an innovative periscope zoom camera, a first for iQOO phones. This advanced camera technology enables an impressive 100X digital zoom, setting a new benchmark for the brand.
iQOO has officially confirmed its plans to bring the iQOO 12 to the Indian market. Notably, this device will mark a significant milestone as the first phone to launch in the country featuring the high-end Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor. Globally, this achievement may position it as the second device to do so, following the debut of the Xiaomi 14 series in China yesterday. As anticipation builds, smartphone enthusiasts can look forward to a blend of cutting-edge technology and innovative design with the upcoming iQOO 12 series in India.