Twitter on this Thursday agreed that a page on its platform, linked with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s personal website was hacked. A news agency named Reuters reported that several tweets were posted asking the followers to contribute to a relief fund through cryptocurrency. No further details are specified yet.
A spokesperson from Twitter said to HT through a mail, “We’re aware of this activity and have taken steps to secure the compromised account. We are actively investigating the situation. At this time, we are not aware of additional accounts being hacked.”
This incident is not for the first time. Several other Twitter accounts of worldwide famous personalities were hacked in the past few months, especially in July.
Some of the famous victims of these hacks are the US presidential candidate Joe Biden, the CEO of Tesla and one of the top 4 billionaires Elon Musk, Co-founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, and the former US president Barack Obama. The hackers hacked Twitter’s internal system to get access to these accounts.
Though in the case of PM Modi the hackers tweeted asking for donations to a relief fund, in the past scenarios, they said the followers to send $1,000 in bitcoin in 30 minutes, and they will return double of that. Some of the posts were deleted but re-posted again later.
In a post, Jack Dorsey, the Chief executive of Twitter said that the was very tough for them. “We all feel terrible this happened,” he tweeted. “We’re diagnosing and will share everything we can when we have a more complete understanding of exactly what happened.”
Apart from the early mentioned personalities, there are some more including some company’s account. They are the American rapper Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Michale Bloomberg, Uber, and a few cryptocurrency exchanges.
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