According to the firm, CMF by Nothing will first release a smartwatch, headphones, and other accessories. According to earlier rumors, the Watch Pro with AMOLED screen, Bluetooth calling, Buds Pro with up to 45dB ANC, and Power 65W GAN charger would be unveiled at the event and will cost, respectively, Rs. 4,500, Rs. 3,500, and Rs. 3,000.
CMF By Nothing details
According to the company, CMF by Nothing products will only be sold online through Flipkart and Myntra and in a few chosen stores and Vijay Sales.
Even though the corporation hasn’t announced the products it will introduce, we already have a good notion of what it is working on. The CMF Watch Pro smartwatch, CMF Buds Pro truly wireless earphones, and CMF Power GaN charger were reportedly going to be unveiled by the business, according to a leak from last month. Online sources also provided information about the products’ characteristics and costs. On September 26, the business might, however, disclose new accessories.
As part of the initiative, the business will give a few chosen candidates access to the newest CMF Nothing products before the general public and encourage them to offer their opinions in content that will appear on the business’ social media pages.