Apple’s iPhone SE 4 could feature a completely new design with a full-screen display similar to the iPhone XR. It is unknown whether the handset will have Face ID in the notch or Touch ID in the Power button. While the device is likely to make its debut, the most recent information reveals that Apple may release the iPhone SE 4 in 2025.
Apple will not release the iPhone SE 4 device next year, according to research notes supplied by Barclays analysts Blayne Curtis and Tom O’Malley. This suggests that Apple’s low-cost handset will be available as early as 2025. The device is likely to include an all-screen design similar to the iPhone XR, as well as improved internals and a camera configuration. There are few information about the design accessible, but analysts have a lot to say about it.
The iPhone SE 4 was previously rumoured to be the first iPhone to include Apple’s own 5G modem.
If the rumours are true, we can assume that even the iPhone 16 versions will not include Apple’s bespoke 5G modems. The company would now have to rely on its current suppliers until it transitioned to its own. If Apple changes its mind, the new modems may be available on non-SE models of the iPhone.
Apple’s bespoke modems for the iPhone, according to Ming-Chi Kuo, will go into commercial production in 2025. The iPhone SE 4 and iPhone 17 series will be the first to include a bespoke 5G modem. For the time being, Apple will continue to rely on Qualcomm to supply 5G modems for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 16 series.
While some claim the iPhone SE 4 would sport an iPhone XR-like look, Ming-Chi Kuo claims the handset will take design ideas from the iPhone 14. He also claims that the SE 4 will have a 6.1-inch display with Face ID in the top notch. Because Apple’s current iPhone 14 series has Face ID and an OLED display, we may expect the price to rise as well.
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