Ahead of its launch in India, the iQOO Neo 7 Pro has had its key specifications confirmed. The upcoming iQOO smartphone is scheduled to be released on July 4 in the country. iQOO has already provided a glimpse of the phone’s design, showcasing an orange-colored option with a vegan leather back. The teaser image further showcases the presence of a triple-camera arrangement. The company has now unveiled additional specifications for the smartphone.
iQOO Neo 7 Pro Specs and AnTuTu Score
The iQOO Neo 7 Pro will be equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC in India. As per the AnTuTu benchmark scores, the upcoming iQOO Neo 7 Pro has achieved a score of 1316514. Furthermore, iQOO has disclosed that the iQOO Neo 7 Pro will feature an Independent Gaming Chip, which is claimed to enhance the gaming experience by delivering improved graphics and smooth gameplay.
The smartphone will also support 120W fast charging, a feature that was widely expected since the iQOO Neo 7 also offers this charging technology. According to the company, the 120W Flash Charge will provide a 50 percent battery charge with just eight minutes of charging.
While the battery capacity of the phone has not been officially confirmed by iQOO, based on the revealed specifications and various rumors, it appears that the iQOO Neo 7 Pro India variant will be launched as a rebranded version of the Neo 7 Racing Edition from China. The Racing Edition phone was introduced earlier this year and boasts some premium hardware.
Additional specifications include a 5,000mAh battery and a 6.78-inch AMOLED display with full-HD+ resolution and support for a 120Hz refresh rate. It is anticipated that the iQOO Neo 7 Pro will incorporate a main camera with a resolution of 50 megapixels, along with an 8-megapixel ultra-wide camera and a 2-megapixel macro sensor. For selfies, a 16-megapixel front camera is likely to be included. The anticipated price range for the phone in India is between ₹38,000 and ₹42,000.