AjnaLens, India’s leading Extended Reality Hardware manufacturer, and MetaStudios, a renowned Metaverse and Gaming Studio, have joined forces to develop immersive experiences and training programs aimed at enhancing the skills and self-sustainability of the global youth and adult population. The collaboration seeks to address the issue of unemployment in India at the grassroots level by leveraging the power of AR and VR technologies.
AjnaLens introduces its groundbreaking AjnaXR Glasses and immersive learning platform, AjnaVidya, which enable users to acquire a wide range of skills within virtual environments. The platform facilitates seamless interaction between users and incorporates leaderboards to measure learning performance and outcomes.
With a focus on delivering deeper engagement and higher retention rates, MetaStudios has established itself as a pioneer in creating immersive experiences. By humanizing virtual experiences, MetaStudios develops content that promotes active participation and enhances knowledge and learning. As part of the MetaEngine group, which has been instrumental in building the infrastructure layer for over 500 games and serving more than 30 million MMO users in the past 20 years, MetaStudios possesses extensive expertise in this domain.
Together, AjnaLens and MetaStudios aim to make a positive impact. The world currently faces a significant challenge of high youth unemployment, affecting approximately 73 million people. The innovative immersive training programs resulting from this partnership will provide new opportunities for skill development and employment, regardless of individuals’ economic circumstances.
Pankaj Raut, CEO of AjnaLens, stated, “Our vision is to transform India into a nation of creators rather than mere consumers in the realm of immersive technologies. We empower XR developers and creators in India to build immersive experiences for the global audience. MetaStudios possesses a highly skilled team with a focus on delivering a strong return on investment for their customers. By combining their high-quality training experiences with our Made-in-India XR headsets, we aim to revolutionize learning and human development across various industries.”
Kapil Dhiman, CEO of MetaStudios, expressed his thoughts on the partnership, saying, “Our collaboration with AjnaLens marks a significant step in reimagining education and training. The world is changing rapidly, and there is a pressing need to upgrade content and platforms to provide skill-based training for our youth and prepare them for the future. With the combined strengths of AjnaLens’ hardware and MetaStudios’ immersive content, we embark on an ambitious journey to cultivate a skilled workforce in India for the global market.”
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