Apple’s AR headset, the Apple Vision Pro, was unveiled at WWDC 2023, featuring a unique element called EyeSight. What sets the Vision Pro apart from its competitors is the ability to see people’s eyes through the device, providing a more human-like experience. While some may find it creepy, it’s less unsettling than seeing just a lifeless piece of plastic.
What is EyeSight on Apple Vision Pro? – Know Everything
EyeSight is an innovative feature that promotes connection with others. When someone approaches a person wearing the Vision Pro, the device becomes transparent, allowing the user to see the person while also displaying the user’s eyes. This feature provides visual cues to others about the user’s focus when they are engaged in an environment or using an app.
Apple emphasized the importance of eyes as indicators of connection and emotion, stating, “So Vision Pro displays your eyes when someone is nearby.” The black exterior of the Apple Vision Pro becomes partially transparent, enabling people around the user to see their eyes.
From the user’s perspective, if someone tries to communicate while wearing the headset, they will be able to see the person more clearly than the app or content they have open. This feature is particularly useful in an augmented reality (AR) headset where users still need awareness of their surroundings. Asking someone to move a few steps to the left to avoid being blocked by a Safari tab would be awkward without this capability.
In addition to allowing photos and videos, EyeSight also lets people know when the user is taking a picture, ensuring transparency and consent in capturing moments.
via TechCrunch