GoLive Games, the leading mid-core games publisher in India, has launched Cricket Stars, the country’s first NFT-based cricket strategy esports game powered by Tezos, to enhance the excitement of ongoing cricket fever in the nation.
Unlike other multiplayer games in the market, Cricket Stars does not have a Pay-to-Play or Play-to-Earn model attached to it, offering players of all ages the chance to enjoy the thrill of cricket in a virtual format. This game provides cricket fanatics with an opportunity to apply their strategic thinking and showcase their in-depth knowledge and passion for the sport.
GoLive Games launches first-ever NFT-based cricket strategy game ‘Cricket Stars’
Cricket Stars is a unique game that presents players with a range of batting and bowling card options to select from in each game. The player must choose the right batting card to score runs on their opponent’s delivery and select the perfect bowling skill to dismiss their opponent. The game also provides users with the opportunity to win exclusive cricket bats and other prizes.
Ravi Kiran, Founder of GoLive Games, believes that Cricket Stars’ unique blend of cricket, esports, and NFTs represents the future of the industry, empowering players with true ownership and value in the virtual world. The game’s NFT marketplace is powered by the Tezos Blockchain, allowing users to trade, buy, and sell their cards within the in-game store without the need for any cryptocurrency.
Cricket Stars is the only NFT-based cricket game in the esports market that doesn’t require players to invest upfront in NFTs. Players can acquire batting and bowling cards in the form of NFTs at different levels of rarity and utilize their unique features to compete against other players in real time through thrilling matchups, campaigns, or esports tournaments.
With more than 124.2 million cricket fans in India, cricket is not just a sport but a religion in the nation. The merging of cricket’s mania with the ever-growing esports industry holds immense potential to establish Cricket Stars as a leading esports title in the country. The game is currently available to play on Google Play Store.
Get the game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.golivegames.cricketstar