NBK108, Kajal Aggarwal is leading the movie and it has become official. The lead actress has also confirmed the news of leading the movie which moving around for so many days in search of the truth that whether she is going to be the lead actress or not. As per the source, we all know that Nandamuri Balakrishna’s next film after Veera Simha Reddy is going to be directed by Anil Ravipudi. Although the movie does not have an official title now, this movie is known as NBK108.
NBK108: Kajal Aggarwal is leading the movie
NBK108 the movie was officially announced last year, from last year up to today only just a few updates relating to the cast and other technical aspects have been updated. The director of the movie Anil Ravipudi has made an announcement that the movie is going to be an action-comedy movie. Simultaneously, the producers have also made an official announcement regarding the movie that it will also feature Sarath Kumar in an important role.
Recently, in an interview, actress Kajal Aggarwal also made the announcement of the news that she is playing a role in Balakrishna’s NBK108. She made the announcement along with the other projects she’s working on. Her next films include Ghosty, Indian 2 with Kamal Haasan, Uma, and many others. NBK108 is her next film in Telugu, as most of her upcoming movies are in Tamil and Hindi.
NBK108 also stars Sreeleela in Balakrishna’s daughter role and the film is produced by Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi under the banner Shine Screens. The music for this film is composed by Thaman S. C. Ram Prasad and who is also the cinematographer, and Tammi Raju is the editor.
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