Netflix explores the new trailer of the adventurous teenager drama film titled, ‘True Spirit’. The story of the film revolves around the true story lived by and penned into book form by Jessica Watson. The new film depicts the incredible undertaking of a 16-year-old who set out to make history as the youngest person to sail around the world completely on her own.
The trek unveils the young woman’s attempt the clocking in 23,000 nautical miles as she sailed around the world in 8 months. In this we’ve seen some of the action play out in the form of recently released stills, this is the first official teaser to drop for the upcoming film.
The new trailer reveals Tea
gan Croft’s take on Watson, as she stepped onto the tiny sailboat and entered into the deepest and darkest depths of the ocean. The adventure is full of dangers are an everyday event for the young woman. We can see that giant waves all. On taking over the small boat like she has made her way around the globe. After crossing the gray skies and crushing waters bits of the trailer reveal sunny days and nights filled with stars as the teen pushes forward in her journey. It seems she may be alone on her boat.
She has been surrounded by love and support from her family and friends back home with her sailing coach Ben Bryant, and her parents Julie and Roger Watson along with several odds came against her; Jessica trusts the will of rocking waters hoping to prove her skills to the world and herself.
The story of the film depicts the young Australian sailor has left the shoreline in 2009 while setting off on her exhausting and life-changing 210-day trip. By 2010, she had written her book True Spirit, which told the tale of her experiences while at sea in her tiny, yet formidable, pink sailboat.
True Spirit: Cast
The film features Croft, Curtis, Paquin, Lawson, Bridget Webb, Vivien Turner, Todd Lasance, and Stacy Clausen. Sarah Spillane (Around the Block) served the film as its director as well as penned it alongside Rebecca Banner and Cathy Randall. Debra Martin Chase, Susan Cartsonis, and Andrew Fraser joined as producers.
True Spirit: Release Date
The new adventurous drama film will hit on 3rd February on Netflix.
Here is the trailer:
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