OnePlus is all set to host the Cloud11, its first launch event of 2023 on 7th February in India. As per the official announcement, the brand will officially launch the OnePlus 11 5G. Along with that, OnePlus will also introduce the OnePlus Buds Pro 2 truly wireless earphones. Both gadgets will be available via Amazon India as these are already listed over there.
However, both devices will be on stage around a month early for the global market, on 4th January. Infact, they have already enabled the pre-booking option via e-commerce platforms. As the days go by, the details are coming online bit by bit.
The physical image of the OnePlus Buds Pro 2 was already released by the President of OnePlus China, Li Jie. Later on, some other specs also came out. Thanks to the media houses and the leaker.
As per the latest official announcement, OnePlus Buds Pro 2 will join the OnePlus 11 5G on 4th January and there will be two colour options. Images of the Arbor Green colour already got viral, and brand releases the image of the Obsidian Black model as well.
OnePlus has joined hands with Dynaudio this time to tune this upcoming TWS resulting upto 99.6% of effective noise cuts, upto 48dB deep active noise reduction, and up to upto 4000Hz ultra-wideband vocal noise reduction.
The earphone also has a response range of 10Hz~40KHz and has support for spatial audio as well.
Alongside of all these official details, it is also reported that the OnePlus Buds Pro 2 is carrying two, 11mm and 6mm, audio drivers. The reports also mentioned that by keeping ANC enabled, the buds can run for around 6 hours in best cases, and this duration can be extended for up to 9 hours if disable the ANC. After combining the charging case backup, users can get in between 22 hours to 38 hours of battery life, based on the ANC implementation.
OnePlus Buds Pro 2 (IN):
OnePlus 11 5G (IN):