Motorola on Thursday launched the Moto G53 smartphone alongside the flagship Moto X40. While the Moto X40 is a decoration phone, the all-new G53 is an entry-position device succeeding the Moto G52. Although it’s a successor, it has some major downgrades over the G52. rather of an OLED panel, it has a panel and rather of an FHD resolution, it has an HD resolution. It now only has 18W fast charging.
Motorola Moto G53 Specifications
The recently launched Moto G53 flaunts a 6.5- inch TV panel that produces a 120Hz refresh rate and a 720 x 1600 pixels resolution. The display comes with a punch-hole cutout design to make room for the selfie camera. Under the hood, the smartphone is powered by an unknown octa-core Qualcomm chipset, paired with over 8 GB of RAM and 128 GB of the onboard storehouse, which can be expanded up to 1024 GB using a MicroSD card.
On the camera front, the all-new G53 features a double hinder camera setup with the combination of a 50-megapixel primary camera detector, accompanied by a 2-megapixel depth detector along with an LED flash. For selfies, the smartphone houses an 8- megapixel camera.
The new mid-ranger packs a 5000 mAh battery with 18W charging support. It runs Android 13 with the MyUi5.0 subcaste on top. It measures 162.7 x74.6 x8.1 mm and weighs around 183 grams. For security, the handset has a side-mounted point detector. The handset comes with a 3.5 mm headphone jack and includes all the introductory connectivity options.
The new G53 is priced at 899 Yuan ( 129) for the base 4 GB 128 GB edition. There’s also an 8 GB 128 GB variant of the phone, which comes with a price label of 1099 Yuan($ 157). It’s offered in Black and Grey colors. The handset is presently available in the Chinese request only. We can anticipate it to make a global debut soon.