Baldurs Gate 3 debuted a new teaser at The Game Awards, including the return of fan-favorite ranger Minsc and confirming the game’s release date. Baldurs Gate 3 is more than just the director’s successor to BioWare’s legendary Baldurs Gate games. It was developed by Larian Studios following the phenomenal success of Divinity: Original Sin 2. Baldurs Gate 3 is the biggest project Larian Studios has ever attempted, attempting to transform the Fifth Edition of Dungeons and Dragons into a seamless computer gaming experience without losing its tabletop charm.
Following in the footsteps of Divinity: Original Sin 2, Larian Studios has provided gamers with a hands-on experience for those who have preordered the game through Baldurs Gate 3’s Early Access. This version had around half of the total companions from the entire game, as well as half of Act 1, giving players a taste of the Fifth Edition gameplay and branching plot pathways that Baldur’s Gate 3 promised. If first impressions are any indication, Larian Studios is on course to achieve the lofty expectations that lie ahead.
Baldurs Gate fans won’t have to wait long for the entire game, as Larian Studios has announced that Baldurs Gate 3 will be released in August 2023.
The news was followed by a story trailer showcasing the game’s stunning graphics, as well as confirmation of the return of a fan-favorite character in Baldurs Gate 3. Minsc slithering out of a mimic with brutal force is just the kind of entrance this famous ranger need, as he will be the only Baldurs Gate companion to appear in all three games. The breathtaking restoration of Baldurs Gate’s city initially glimpsed in December 1998 and now elegantly converted into a vibrant metropolis, is overshadowed by his homecoming. The teaser includes shots of the city’s icons, like Ramazith’s Tower, the Ducal Palace, and even Sorcerous Sundries.
Baldurs Gate 3 Early Access just included Bard as a class, as well as the ability to create a Gnome. It remains to be seen whether it will receive another upgrade before the game’s August release. Baldur’s Gate fans who can’t wait that long and need a hands-on preview will undoubtedly appreciate at least one gameplay of Baldurs Gate 3, even in its currently truncated state. Despite Larian Studios’ terrible tendency of rushing the last chapters of its games, the prevailing judgment appears to be that Baldur’s Gate’s magnificent legacy is in excellent hands.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is releasing in August 2023 on PC.
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