After any kind of disaster the rescue operation is the first priority. This is very hard job to find out victims consuming less time in maximum cases. An extra second of time can cause of many deaths. To make this job a little bit easy and quicker for the Rescue teams National Aeronautics and Space Administration developed a Victim Finding tool called FINDER.
FINDER stands for The Finding Individuals for Disaster and Emergency Response.
FINDER sends low power microwave frequencies through the rubble. It looks for miner signals caused by the motion of victim’s breathing and heart beat.
👇 Features of FINDER are…..
- Portable : Portability is the major priority of this kind devices. This one is not exception. This is only around 9 kgs of weight and just like a travel bag in shape.
- Efficiency : It can detect the small signals through around 30 feet of ruins or around 20 feet of concrete.
- Range : It can scan a major scale of area at a time by staying a safe distance from the disaster effected location.
- Speed : For scanning all most the whole area it took around a minute only.
- Easy to use : It is operated by a small touch screen remote control.
This invention was successfully tested in many disaster locations [ like Nepal Earthquake Disaster 25th April,15] for rescue operation. Uncountable number of lifes are saved with the help of this.