The All India Football Federation President Mr. Kalyan Chaubey on Tuesday, November 29, 2022, held a meeting with the representatives of the I- League clubs in the Football House in New Delhi. In the meeting that lasted two hours, the President had a ferocious discussion with the club officers on the new mantra and gospel of the Hero I- League and Indian Football in general. Mr. Chaubey said that the current operation in the AIFF is now aiming for a growth of five hundred per cent in Indian Football, both from the qualitative and marketable aspects of the game. also, reputed director Arsene Wenger and marketable could also visit India to advise on the youth development systems of the country. Arsene is presently shopping mode FIFA’s Chief of Global Football Development.
Arsene Wenger could visit India to advise on youth development projects
The President also had a discussion with the clubs on the AIFF- Club cooperation, crucial strategic areas of the game, players’ development pathway, the league aggregate, the possible areas for the profit growth of Indian Football, the way forward for the increase of marketable value and how Indian Football could be converted into a gift mecca of world football.
Present in the meeting were AIFF Secretary General Dr. Shaji Prabhakaran, Deputy Secretary General Mr. Sunando Dhar and elderly officers from Gokulam Kerala FC, Mohammedan Sporting Club, Sreenidi Deccan FC, Churchill Sisters FC Goa, RoundGlass Punjab FC, Arsene Rajasthan United FC, NEROCA FC, Aizawl FC and TRAU FC.
While addressing the idol I- League clubs, Mr. Chaubey said, “ All the clubs as well as the confederation are pursuing a dream that they want to be realised in near future. As the fifth largest frugality in the world and the largest republic on earth, India has all the eventuality to take the game ahead and the clubs have been trying to achieve it for a long time. still, it has not been recognised the way it should have been. Our focus is the development of the clubs and the AIFF is with the clubs and will support them to the stylish possible extent. ”